Publication Ethics
The publication process in the Journal Of Language Education and Literacy (JLEL) is the basis for increasing and disseminating information in an objective, systematic, clear, open and respectful manner aimed at improving the quality of research. This peer-reviewed journal study supports and embodies the scientific method. Therefore, all parties involved in the publication process (authors, reviewers, editors, publishers, readers and researchers) adhere to standard ethical considerations. JLEL expects all parties to hold the following ethical responsibilities.
The following ethical duties and responsibilities are written in the guidelines and policies developed by the Committee Publication Ethics (COPE) (
General Principles
- The author must have a substantial intellectual contribution to the article. All authors must be included in preparing, revising, and approving the final version of the article. All author information must be added to the submission system during article submission. Additionally, non-author contributors should be identified. Therefore, they are expected to agree to be responsible for all aspects of the work.
- Authors are required to disclose conflicts of interest that may or may appear biased in the article. These conflicts can arise from financial relationships, personal relationships, competition, trust, and others. Depending on the details, the article may not be published. If the article is published, that information should be communicated in notes after text, before reference.
- The source of research funding must be clearly stated. The financier can be a person, government agency, or commercial company. If the funder is involved in the design and fabrication of the article, details should be explained.
- Authors must ensure that all research work submitted to the journal complies with the applicable laws and regulations of affiliated and regulatory agencies. If the study involved the participation of human subjects, authors were required to obtain and document institutional ethics committee approval, informed participant consent, and other legal permits related to the research.
- Signed consent and consent forms must be obtained to include participant information in order to comply with all applicable laws and regulations. The signed form cannot be sent to the journal because it is confidential. Instead, the author must include a statement to the journal that informed consent was obtained from the participant and that the original form was held by the handling institution.
- The privacy rights of people or organizations involved in work are of the utmost importance and should not be violated without their consent. Authors must take all necessary precautions to protect participant information.
- All concerned are expected to strictly follow ethical principles throughout the publication process. Therefore, editors, editorial staff, and journal publishers always pay attention to mandatory compliance with ethical principles and regulations.
- Editors have great flexibility in the editorial process and in determining which articles to publish in journals. The consideration of publishing is based on factors of article quality, priority of topics of interest, geographical diversity, authors, and others. In some cases, the author may be dissatisfied with the editorial process and / or results. Complaints and appeals can be directed to email. The problem description, and any additional information that supports the information, must be concise and complete. Complaints and appeals will be investigated in line with new and relevant flowcharts provided by COPE.
- Even though all articles undergo a rigorous peer review and production stage, honest mistakes may still exist in the published content. When detected, this error should be published by issuing a notification that includes detailed changes to the original publication. Serious errors in invalidating the results and conclusions of the original study may result in a retraction notice.
Author's Responsibilities
- Has the responsibility to ensure that the articles submitted are original and new works of the author.
- The article or part of the article was not published elsewhere or was not being evaluated in another journal at the same time.
- The author does not publish redundant articles describing the same research in more than one journal.
- Articles are prepared in accordance with the journal's ethical guidelines.
- Persons who do not contribute to research at an intellectual level should not be indicated as authors.
- Authors must know all sources of data used in the research and cite publications that are influential in the research work.
- During the review process, authors may be asked to provide raw data. In such case, the writer must be ready to submit the data and information to the editorial staff and scientific council.
- If any significant errors and inaccuracies are found in the submitted article or published article, this should be reported to the editor.
- The article may be published elsewhere after receiving an official refusal from the journal or the author submits a request to withdraw his work that is officially accepted by the journal.
- Authors who are responsible for submitting articles to journals whose review process has begun cannot be changed.
Reviewers Responsibilities
- Agree to review only in their area of expertise.
- Information regarding articles submitted by authors must be kept confidential and treated as preferential information.
- Reviewers can refuse to review any submission if they feel they face a conflict of interest.
- Articles are reviewed in an unbiased manner.
- Articles that have been reviewed in accordance with the principle of confidentiality after the review process should be discarded. Reviewers can use the final version of the article they have reviewed only after it has been published.
- Articles must be reviewed objectively, and fairly and ensure that nationality, gender, religious and political beliefs, etc. do not influence the review.
- The reviewer must express his views clearly and professionally with supporting arguments.
- Must ensure the authenticity of articles and guard against plagiarism and excessive publication.
- Review the article in a constructive and friendly tone, avoiding making personal comments including slander and insults.
- Adhere to the time allocated for the review process. If the reviewer finds it impossible to complete the review on time, this should be communicated to the editor. The decision is at the discretion of the editor in chief.
Editor's Responsibility
General Responsibilities
- Ensure continuous journal development.
- Manage procedures that aim to improve the quality of articles published in journals.
- Follow procedures without making concessions to intellectual property rights and ethical standards.
- Be transparent and clear on issues that require explanation.
- Protect the personal information of authors, reviewers and readers.
- Ensures errors, misdirection and inconsistencies in articles are fixed quickly.
- Protects the intellectual property rights of all articles published in the journal.
- Decisions must not be influenced by either the journal owner, the publisher, or other political and economic factors.
- New editors, unless there is a serious problem, should not change the previous editor's decision about peer-reviewed articles.
Relationship with the Author
- The editor has authority over the editorial content and is responsible for managing the peer review process of articles.
- The editor is responsible for keeping all information from articles confidential.
- Based on the editorial board review report, the editor can accept, reject, or request modifications to the article.
- The editor must make positive or negative decisions about originality, validity, clarity and suitability of the journal's aims and objectives.
- Articles that are within the scope of publication should be processed at the pre-review stage unless there is a serious problem with the article.
- Editors should publish an "Author's Guide" that is comprehensive enough to answer the author's questions. This manual should be updated regularly.
- Authors should be provided with explanatory and informative feedback.
- The editor must ensure that every article received by JLEL is reviewed for its intellectual content regardless of the gender, race, religion, nationality, etc. of the author.
- The editor will not use unpublished material disclosed in submitted articles for his own research without the written consent of the authors.
Relationship with Reviewers
- The editor selects the reviewer according to the research subject.
- The editor provides information and guidance that reviewers may need during the review process.
- The identity of the reviewer in the review process must be kept confidential.
- Reviewers are regularly evaluated based on criteria such as knowledge, performance, and time.
- The editor encourages reviewers to review the manuscript in an unbiased, scientific, and objective tone.
- The editor tries to prevent unkind and unscientific reviews.
- The editor ensures that the set of reviewers has a broad reach.
- Editors should not ignore positive suggestions made by reviewers unless there is a serious problem with the research.
Relations with the Editorial Board
- Editors ensure that editorial board members review articles in an impartial and independent manner.
- The editor selects new members of the editorial board from those who are eligible and can contribute to the journal.
- Editors submit articles for review based on the subject of expertise of editorial board members.
- Communicate regularly with the editorial board.
- The editor arranges regular meetings with the editorial board for publication and journal policy development.
Relationships with Readers
Editors must make decisions taking into account the knowledge, skills and expectations that all readers, researchers and practitioners need. In addition, it ensures that published articles contribute to the literature. Editors should also pay attention to the feedback received and provide explanatory and informative feedback with researchers and practitioners. Editors must ensure that articles in the journal are published in accordance with journal publication policies and international standards.
Relationship with Journal Owners and Publishers
The relationship between the editor and the publisher is based on the principle of editor independence. All decisions made by the editor are independent of the publisher and journal owner as required by the agreement made between the editor and the publisher.
Editorial Board Responsibilities
- Contribute actively to the development and goodness of the greater journal.
- Acting as a journal ambassador.
- Continue to support and promote the journal.
- Review any work assigned to them.
Responsibilities of Editors and Managing Editors
- Evaluate articles objectively, fairly and solely based on their intellectual abilities.
- Guarantee the confidentiality of the articles and do not disclose any information and to anyone other than people involved in the publishing process.
- Responsible for deciding when and which articles to publish.
- Actively seek the views of board members, reviewers and writers on how to improve / enhance the image and visibility of the journal.
- Give potential contributors clear instructions on the submission process and what to expect from the author.
- Ensure that appropriate reviewers are selected / identified for the review process.
Publisher Responsibilities
- Make independent editorial decisions
- Protects the intellectual property rights of all articles published by JLEL and is responsible for keeping records of every article published.
- Take precautions against scientific abuse, fraud and plagiarism.
- Ensure accessibility by partnering with organizations.
- Equip the journal with the necessary infrastructure and facilities (state-of-the-art delivery system, content archiving, easy access to plagiarism checking, website hosting, etc.).
Plagiarism Policy
The following are actions that are considered unethical and inappropriate behavior that the author should avoid.
- Plagiarism
- Duplicate
- Copyright Infringement
- Conflict of interest
- Fraudulent authorship
By submitting the article to the journal, the author confirms that the article is free from any of the ones listed above. The author is fully responsible for the content of the article. To prevent this, every party involved in publishing must behave in accordance with ethical guidelines.
Editors will take appropriate action when ethical concerns are raised against articles under review or articles that are published, even if they are discovered years after publication. If there are suspected violations, the appropriate COPE flow chart will be followed. Following are the sanctions that can be applied if violations are found.
- Immediate rejection of manuscripts under review.
- Immediate rejection of all manuscripts from all co-authors.
- The prohibition of co-authors from submitting new manuscripts for up to five years.
- Prohibition of co-authors from becoming reviewers or members of the journal's editorial board
- Revoke published articles involving violations.
- Notify the legal entity that matches the details of the case.
* For any questions that are unclear on this page, please contact via email.