Improving Students' Reading Comprehension Skills Using the Speed Reading Method in Class V of SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City
Improvement Efforts, Reading Skills, Understanding Speed Reading MethodAbstract
The background of this research is the low reading comprehension skills of students and students' reading interest who are lacking in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. This study discusses how students' reading comprehension skills use the Speed Reading method in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. This study aims to improve students' reading comprehension skills using the Speed Reading method in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City. The approach used in this study is a qualitative approach and a quantitative approach. In the Speed Reading learning approach, the activities carried out include: 1) Pre-reading, 2) While reading, 3) Post-reading. The place of this research was held in class V SDN 37 Anduring, Padang City, where there were 24 people. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the Speed Reading method in each cycle shows significant results. This can be seen in the pre-reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 69.78% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.95% with very good criteria (A). It can be said that the use of the Speed Reading method can increase students' reading comprehension skills. When reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 67.91% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.58% with very good criteria (A) based on the percentage it can be said that the use of the Speed Reading method can increase students' reading comprehension skills. After reading cycle I, the percentage obtained was 69.79% with sufficient criteria (C) and increased in cycle II, the percentage obtained was 89.16% with very good criteria (A) based on the percentage it can be said that the use of the Speed Reading method can improve skills reading comprehension of students. That: students' reading comprehension skills using the Speed Reading method increased from cycle I to cycle II with an average value of cycle I 69.16% and cycle II 89.98% increasing in class V SDN 37 Anduring Padang City.
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